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Quasimidi Polymorph - изключително рядък синтезатор , 1 750 лв
The Polymorph is basically four synths loaded with synth and drum sounds, geared towards electronica and other forms of synthesizer music. Individual
ADSR envelope generators and filters per oscillator
make for a totally tweakable and flexible synthesizer.
Main features:
Synthesis Type: VA
Max: 16
Typical in use: 8
Multi-timbral (number of parts): 4
Oscillators per Voice :
Min : 1
Max : 3
Effects :
Number of FX units : 2
Number of different effects : 10
Memory :
Patches : 64
Performances : 64
Inputs and Outputs :
Number of Audio Outs (excluding Phones) : 4
Number of Audio Ins : 2
Number of MIDI Outs (excluding Thru) : 1
Number of MIDI Ins : 1
Memory :
Number of Notes : 16x4
Number of Patterns : 64
Number of songs :
Cool features :
Knobs! Almost everything is controllable from everything else.
Повече информация можете да намерите на следните адреси:
Машината е работила само в студио, без тютюнев дим, с контролирани влажност и температура.