NEW Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen/ Macmillan Readers B1-B2 Intermediate level → Обява 49246831

NEW Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen/ Macmillan Readers B1-B2 Intermediate level
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Публикувана/обновена вчера в 17:53 ч.

Everybody knows that a rich unmarried man needs a pretty wife. And every mother wants her daughters to be happily married.

This much - filmed and highly popular romantic comedy has been retold to give the reader an opportunity to understand and enjoy the witty dialogue and sharp observations of one of the classic romances in English literature.

This book is in British English. Here you can find:
- carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary;
- glossary at the back of the book explains some of the difficult words and phrases;
- the book has around 1600 basic words for Intermediate - level students;
- points for Understanding section;
- free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at

Продавам английско издание на Гордост и Предразсъдъци на Джейн Остин за читатели, учещи се на Английски език. Преди няколко години я бях купила за изпитване по Английски език в езиковата гимназия, което така и не се състоя и си стои новичка. Предназначена е за ниво B1-B2
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