Китарно комбо 10 инчов говорител 30 вата , добре звучащ практиз амп. My old faithful Peavey audition 30 amp. Made in USA, this amp was built like a brick sh** house! I have had it since I bought it used back in the 80s. It has never been serviced and has always worked as fine as the day I bought it. This is a solid state amp with a heavy duty10 inch speaker. It is very loud for it's size and makes a great practice amp or a good stage amp if you Mic it. This amp has built in overdrive but I prefer to run a nice Boss pedal on the front end. There is a headphone jack and a preamp out jack. Two gain stages plus saturation and" thick" selectors. There is a three stage EQ and two inputs ( high and low gain ) Everything works and sounds great. Ампа е американски, с американско захранване, ще Ви трябва подходящ трансформатор за 220 волта. Не предлагам такъв.
На видеото, моят китарен кумир от 80, а последните година две и фейсбук приятел, Джим Дофка свири на 20 ватов Пиви аудишън, който е предходният модел.
Американски транзисторни усилватели. Никак не лоши!
Peavey Audition Plus Review -- And Running It Through A Tube Amp Head!