The empty Raincoat: Making sense of the Future / Charles Handy → Обява 32438431

The empty Raincoat: Making sense of the Future / Charles Handy
гр. София, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена днес в 20:54 ч.

1994 г. 280 стр. Твърди корици
‘Life will never be easy, or sure, or perfect. Best understood backwards, we have to live it forwards - with ail its contradictions. There is a paradox at the heart of things. The challenge of the future is to find a pathway through the paradoxes.’

* Are you on the way to Davy’s Bar?

* When is the moment to take the Sigmoid Curve?

* Do you know the Doughnut Principle?

* What is a Chinese contract?

The changes which Charles Handy foresaw in The Age of Unreason are happening. Endless growth can create a candyfloss economy and capitalism must be its own sternest critic.

Charles Handy reaches here for a philosophy beyond the mechanics of business organisations, beyond material choices, to try and establish an alternative universe, where life and work are re-grounded in a natural sense of continuity, connection and purposeful direction.
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