От сиво към сребърно - успешно управление на демографските промени / Managing the Demographic Change → Обява 38640487

От сиво към сребърно - успешно управление на демографските промени / Managing the Demographic Change
гр. Пловдив, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 13 септември 2024г. в 08:58 ч.

From Grey to Silver - Managing the Demographic Change Successfully by Sven Kunisch, Stephan Boehm, Michael Boppel
Много добре запазена книга, твърди корици, 223 страници, английски език.

Demographic change is one of the most crucial issues of our time. This book sheds light on the demographic implications companies face. Based on an integrated framework, the book investigates three important perspectives: An economic and social perspective helps organisations and managers better understand the basic parameters of demographic change and its influences on the labour market. A human resources and leadership perspective reveals how age management can help retain employees of different age groups as motivated and productive workforce members. An innovation and marketing perspective examines how companies can exploit the potentials that senior customers offer. A combination of research-driven and practice-oriented chapters makes this book a profound and an interesting read. It primarily addresses executives from various organisational fields, including HR, marketing, and management. Professional trainers, scholars and students of economy and business will also gain valuable insights.
Преглеждания: 203
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