Джордж Сорос - Новата парадигма за финансовите пазари → Обява 40857059

Джордж Сорос - Новата парадигма за финансовите пазари
гр. Пловдив, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 17 септември 2024г. в 22:42 ч.

Бизнес и Икономика
The Crash of 2008 and What it Means. The New Paradigm for Financial Markets. Includes 4 new chapters
Издателство: Public Affairs, 2009
Сравнително добре запазена, меки корици, 258 страници, английски език.

In the midst of one of the most serious financial upheavals since the Great Depression, George Soros, the legendary financier and philanthropist, writes about the origins of the crisis and proposes a set of policies that should be adopted to confront it. Soros, whose breadth of experience in financial markets is unrivaled, places the crisis in the context of his decades of study of how individuals and institutions handle the boom and bust cycles that now dominate global economic activity. In a concise essay that combines practical insight with philosophical depth, Soros makes an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the great credit crisis and its implications for our nation and the world.
Преглеждания: 266
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