Издател/Publisher: Arcturus Publishing
Автор/Author: Pamela Ball
Година/Publish Date: 15 July 2017
Размери/Dimensions: 19.7 x 3.8 x 13.1 cm
Страници/Pages: 576 pages
Език/Language: English
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We all dream - although we don't always remember our dreams - and most of us have an insatiable curiosity as to the meaning of dreams. This classic collection of dream interpretations is based on the work of Raphael and other celebrated writers on the subject.
Every imaginable dream is included here, from aches in the abdomen to encounters with zebras - with some very unexpected and unusual dreams on the way. Interpretations are given for the situation and circumstances in which the dreams occur. Flying dreams, for instance, can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on how and where the dreamer is flying - and whether or not they are flying with difficulty?