211 обяви

IT специалисти и програмисти от София, София-град

Test Automation Engineer (GUI testing) Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 000 лв
We believe in innovation! We believe in constant change! We believe the creation of the future started yesterday! We challenge you to bring the change in the world and join us on an adventurous journe...
гр. София
18 март
QUALITY MANAGER Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 250 лв
We are looking for a QUALITY MANAGER.Purpose of the job: To ensure compliance with applicable international QMS standards, customer product requirements, and manufacturing procedures to attain custome...
гр. София
17 март
45 лв
Дългогодишен преподавател по гръцки език в Института за чуждестранни студенти /ИЧС/,Софийския и Нов български университети,възпитаник на Атинския университет, автор на гръцко-български речник, издание...
гр. София, Връбница 2
17 март
QUALITY ENGINEER Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 250 лв
We are looking for: a QUALITY ENGINEERMain Deliverables:• Participation in the implementation phase of new products as well as in the process validation in the production lines;• Participation in all ...
гр. София
09 март 2023г.
Инспектор, качество на продукти Б /стоки TRY ME/ МОТОПИСТА Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
1 790 лв
БРУТНА ЗАПЛАТА – 1785лв. (с включен бонус 200лв. и ваучер за храна на стойност 200 лв.)- Годишен бонус до 1,5 (заплата и половина ) - Възможност за бързо развитие в йерархията на фирмата - 20...
гр. София
09 март 2023г.
ЕКСПЕРТ ЗБУТ, ООС и ЕНЕРГИЕН МЕНИДЖМЪНТ Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
4 000 лв
Даймънд Консулт ЕООД създава и предоставя услуги, които дават възможност на клиентите й да бъдат печеливши в постоянно променящия се пазар на труда.Във връзка с големия обем работа на наш клиент търси...
гр. София
09 март 2023г.
ЕКСПЕРТ ЗБУТ, ООС и ЕНЕРГИЕН МЕНИДЖМЪНТ Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 750 лв
Даймънд Консулт ЕООД създава и предоставя услуги, които дават възможност на клиентите й да бъдат печеливши в постоянно променящия се пазар на труда.Във връзка с големия обем работа на наш клиент търси...
гр. София
09 март 2023г.
Mid Software Test Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 350 лв
Mid Software Test Engineer Sofia/Hybrid with 60% home office 4800-5900 BGN gross/month The client is German AI-powered intelligence platform and consulting service. Nordic Recruitment & Consulti...
гр. София
07 март 2023г.
AUTOMATION QA ENGINEER (JAVA) Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
4 250 лв
About us: Bulwork is the first IT & TELCO recruitment agency in Bulgaria with more than 22 years of stable presence in the market. The company has established a reputation for delivering high-quality ...
гр. София
06 март 2023г.
QALITY ENGINEER Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 500 лв
QALITY ENGINEER Main Deliverables: Participation in the implementation phase of new products as well as in the process validation in the production lines; Participation in all trials, performing dat...
гр. София
01 март 2023г.
Product Quality Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 500 лв
We are looking for: Product Quality EngineerYour Key Responsibilities will be to:Ensure that the local production site meets all production quality objectives and that the organization maintains adequ...
гр. София
28 февруари 2023г.
R&D PROJECT QUALITY ENGINEER Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 500 лв
We are looking for our team in Sofia for a R&D PROJECT QUALITY ENGINEER.Tasks and responsibilities:• Leader to the various steps in Project Quality (Integrated Product Design: IPD or APQP) with the R&...
гр. София
28 февруари 2023г.
QA engineer in Virtualization Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 000 лв
We are looking to recruit a QA (Software Quality Assurance) engineer in Network Virtualization. Duties: * Design, execute and automate testing procedures, for verification of the next generation netw...
гр. София
28 февруари 2023г.
Experienced Manual QA Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 200 лв
We are looking for an experienced manual QA Work responsibilities and requirements: • Execute and create manual quality tests • Be part of the testing strategy for the project and provide testing sug...
гр. София
24 февруари 2023г.
Senior QA - Automation Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
7 400 лв
We are looking for Senior QA with automation background:Work responsibilities and requirements:• Execute and create automated quality tests• Be part of the testing strategy for the project and provide...
гр. София
24 февруари 2023г.
Senior QA Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 700 лв
We are looking for Senior QAWork responsibilities and requirements:• Execute and create manual and some automated quality tests• Be part of the testing strategy for the project and provide testing sug...
гр. София
24 февруари 2023г.
CTO Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
10 000 лв
For a product company that is rapidly expanding in several geographic locations, we are looking for a senior tech management position - CTO This is a senior leading software engineers and QAs - more...
гр. София
24 февруари 2023г.
QA Team Lead Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
8 550 лв
We are looking for Senior QA Lead, preferably with automation background: Work responsibilities and requirements: • Manage QA team and - 1+ years of experience • Execute and create quality tests - ma...
гр. София
24 февруари 2023г.
Customer Quality Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 750 лв
What you’ll be doing: Communicating with customer quality department Leading of problem solving during the mass production phase Preparing of 8D reports for the customers Define with the team the cor...
гр. София
17 февруари 2023г.
Automation QA Engineer (C#, Quality Assurance) Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 500 лв
About The Role:We are happy to announce that our research and development office is looking to expand once again and we hope that you are the one to match our team’s mindset.We are looking for an Auto...
гр. София
17 февруари 2023г.
СПЕЦИАЛИСТ КОНТРОЛ НА КАЧЕСТВО Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
1 800 лв
Mr. Donchev – е фирма с многогодишен опит в озеленяване, ландшафтен дизайн и професионално почистване. Mr. Donchev предлага коректно отношение към служителите, допълнително материално стимулиране сп...
гр. София
16 февруари 2023г.
QA Automation Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
Requirements: Understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process; Knowledge of software testing practices, including test planning, test design, defect management; Hands-on experience ...
гр. София
08 юли 2022г.
ReactJS Dev Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 250 лв
A ReactJS developer is needed for developing a great product in a unique product company Skills & Experience: • Strong JavaScript knowledge (ES6+) • 1+ years (preferably more) of experience with Rea...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Experienced Business Analyst Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 400 лв
We are looking for an experienced Business Analyst for an outstanding product company Responsibilities: Define requirements for a business and customer/user perspective considering technical implement...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Senior/Lead Php Dev Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
7 650 лв
We are looking for a Senior/Lead PHP Developer for an outstanding product companyResponsibilities and required experience:Creation of PHP project according to customer requirements and contributing to...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
React/React Native Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 700 лв
We are looking for an experienced React Developer with experience In ReactJS or React Native for an outstanding software company.Requirements and responsibilities:Creation of robust React or React nat...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Senior PHP Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 800 лв
We are looking for senior PHP DeveloperResponsibilities and required experience:Creation of PHP project according to customer requirements and being contributing to the development effortExperience wi...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Node.JS Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 100 лв
We are looking for experienced node.js developerResponsibilities and requirements:Creation of node.js programs according to specificationsDevelopment in node.js / preferred 1+ or more years /GIT / Bit...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
iOS developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 000 лв
iOS developer Requirements: 2+ years of experience in mobile software development. Strong programming skills in Objective-CSwift and iOS development. Advantages: Experienced in collaborating with mult...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Lead Java Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
7 750 лв
We are looking for a Lead Java developer.At least 4+ years of working experience with Java is required - development experience in commercial software productsCandidate should have leadership skills a...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
PHP Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
4 300 лв
We are looking for PHP DeveloperResponsibilities and required experience:Creation of PHP project according to customer requirements and contributing to the development effortExperience with PHP - pref...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Senior Web Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 700 лв
We are looking for an experienced senior web developer for an outstanding product companyDesirable to have good experience with (some) of the following stack or to learn the technologies in it based o...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Team Lead - JS Team Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
8 000 лв
For an outstanding product company, we are looking for a Team Lead - JS Team Lead a team of software developers, QAs for the consistent delivery of high-quality software Deliver consistent delivery of...
гр. София
13 януари 2022г.
Senior Backend Developer - Remote or Sofia office Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
7 750 лв
Senior Backend Developer – Remote or in Sofia officeNordic Recruitment & Consulting offers rare language, IT, data, and security recruitment and business consulting, both with strong Nordic focus and ...
гр. София
12 януари 2022г.
Regular/Senior System Administrator Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 350 лв
We are looking for Regular/Senior System Administrator for an outstanding product company with great bonuses and benefits Responsibilities: Analyze and identify trends, problems, and risks Auto...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
AWS DevOps Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
THE ROLE: AWS DevOps EngineerWe are looking for an AWS DevOps Engineer to join our Data Platform team in Bulgaria.This role follows a hybrid approach to working, allowing you to combine working from h...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Software Team/Tech Lead Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
8 750 лв
For an outstanding product company, we are looking for a Team/Tech Lead: This is a hands-on development position leading a team of software engineers Deliver consistent delivery of high-quality softw...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Experienced IT/Software Support Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 200 лв
The IT/Software Support Engineer is a key part of the management and support of global infrastructure in a top product company. Requirements: You’ll have an analytical mind and excel at solving IT pro...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Head Of Project Management Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
7 500 лв
We are looking for a Head of Project Management to join an ambitious and motivated team in a product company Responsibilities: - Leading and directing complex IT projects - Manage proje...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Lead Product Owner Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
7 600 лв
We are looking for a Lead Product Owner for an outstanding product company. You will collaborate with and manage multiple POs, own the delivery of new features and the improvements of the existing on...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Lead iOS Dev Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
8 000 лв
We are looking for a Lead iOS dev for an outstanding product company. You will work in a team of very skilled and motivated iOS engineers. You will be working on new and existing products. Requ...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Angular Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 500 лв
We are looking for an Angular Developer Requirements and responsibilities: • Creation of well-tested robust Angular applications • The developer should have about one year or more working experien...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
iOS Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 000 лв
 Sporty's sites are some of the most popular on the internet, consistently staying in Alexa's list of top websites for the countries they operate in. In this role, you’ll be responsible for developin...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Android Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 500 лв
 Sporty's sites are some of the most popular on the internet, consistently staying in Alexa's list of top websites for the countries they operate in. As an Android developer at Sporty, you’d work on ...
гр. София
11 януари 2022г.
Senior Front End Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 300 лв
We are looking for experienced Front End DeveloperRequirements and responsibilities:Creation of well-tested robust JS applicationsThe developer should have about two (or more) years working experience...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Expert Java Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 450 лв
We are looking for senior Java developers for an outstanding R&D product companyResponsibilities and Requirements:• Creating Java programs according to client requirements• At least 2 years of any han...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
GO Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 050 лв
We are looking for GO DeveloperResponsibilities and requirements:Creation of python programs according to customer requirements.Preferably a year with GO experience (or good Java or other similar back...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Senior Fullstack Developer with Java and JS Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 350 лв
We are looking for Senior Fullstack DeveloperResponsibilities and required experience:Creation of projects according to customer requirements and being senior in the development effortExperience with ...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Senior Python Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 150 лв
We are looking for Senior Python DeveloperResponsibilities and requirements:Creation of python programs according to customer requirements.Preferably 2+ years of Python experience (preferably Python 2...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Fullstack JS Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 900 лв
We are looking for senior Fullstack JS DeveloperResponsibilities and required experience:Creation of projects according to customer requirements and being senior in the development effortSolid knowled...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Team Lead - C# Team Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
8 000 лв
For an outstanding product company, we are looking for a Team Lead - C# Team Lead a team of C# software engineers Deliver consistent delivery of high-quality software Collaborate with the product own...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Senior Fullstack Developer with .NET and JS Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 100 лв
We are looking for experienced Fullstack Developer with .NET and JSResponsibilities and requirements:Creation of robust C# programs according to specificationsExperience in C# - more than 3 years work...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Senior C# Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 200 лв
We are looking for an experienced C# DeveloperResponsibilities and requirements:Creation of robust C# programs according to specificationsExperience in C# - at least 2 years of working experienceExper...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
PL / SQL Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 400 лв
We are looking for PL / SQL Developer Responsibilities and required experience: Experience with SQL and PL / SQL development (1+ years) Knowledge in one OOP programming language (such as Java / C# / ...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Developer with DB focus Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 300 лв
We are looking for Developer with DB focus Responsibilities and required experience: Experience in at least one OOP programming language - 1+ years (preferably Java / C# / JS or similar) Knowledge/Exp...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
ERP Dynamics Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
6 000 лв
We are looking for ERP Dynamics Developer Responsibilities:    - Customize Microsoft Dynamics 365/AX/ERP using .Net, X++   - Create Microsoft Dynamics Packages    - Implement Microsof...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Head of DevOps (TechOps) Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
10 000 лв
We are looking for Head DevOps for an excellent product company As a Head of DevOps you will be responsible for: • Advocating industry best-practices in continuous delivery. • Evaluating and recomm...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Backend Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 750 лв
We are looking for: Backend Developer.Responsibilities:● Lead and deliver high scale projects● Create new, awesome features for millions of users● Design and write efficient, maintainable code support...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Senior Android Developer with Java and Kotlin for Mobile Cloud Solution Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
9 500 лв
Senior Android Developer with Java and Kotlin For Mobile Cloud SolutionABOUT USNordic Recruitment & Consulting offers efficient IT, security and rare language recruitment and business consulting in Bu...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Software Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 500 лв
Grove Global Consult Ltd. is a consulting and recruitment agency, providing strategic consulting services in the areas of the private business sector worldwide.Are you ready to start your dream job?Yo...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Internal MS Dynamics NAV Support Specialist Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
5 200 лв
Фирма Алфа Консулт България, търси да назначи работници за свой клиент :за позиция Internal MS Dynamics NAV Support Specialist .Описание на длъжността:• Съгласува проект за интегриране на ERP система ...
гр. София
10 януари 2022г.
Software developers with Cobol Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
3 000 лв
Our client is a mid-sized software development company, working for German clients in the public sector (no outsourcing, but for their own software products on a very long-term basis).We are looking f...
гр. София
07 януари 2022г.
Senior Java Developer (Nordic product company) Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
7 250 лв
Senior Java Developer (Nordic product company)ABOUT USNordic Recruitment & Consulting offers efficient IT, security and rare language recruitment and business consulting in Bulgaria - and beyond.Havin...
гр. София
07 януари 2022г.
Lead Java Developer, E-Commerce Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
9 500 лв
Lead Java Engineer, E-CommerceABOUT USNordic Recruitment & Consulting offers efficient IT and rare language recruitment and business consulting in Bulgaria - and beyond.Having long experience in recru...
гр. София
07 януари 2022г.
Senior Android Developer with Java and Kotlin for Mobile Cloud Solution Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
9 500 лв
Senior Android Developer with Java and Kotlin For Mobile Cloud SolutionABOUT USNordic Recruitment & Consulting offers efficient IT, security and rare language recruitment and business consulting in Bu...
гр. София
07 януари 2022г.
Software Developer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
2 750 лв
Looking for Software Developer: BS/MS Degree in Computer Science or equivalent Experience in C[++], Python, Linux, Bash; At least 3 years for experience as developer in one of: virtualization: Opensta...
гр. София
07 януари 2022г.
Cybersecurity Engineer (CISO) Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
8 000 лв
Cybersecurity Engineer (CISO)Nordic Recruitment & Consulting offers IT, data, security and rare language recruitment and business consulting, both with strong Nordic focus and reach. Nordic Recruitmen...
гр. София
06 януари 2022г.
Senior/Lead DevOps Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти
Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria was acknowledged with 3 employer awards at Career Show Awards 2021:• Best Employer in Banking – Gold• Best Internal Communication Strategy – Gold • Best Health and Wellness – B...
гр. София
06 януари 2022г.
Текуща категория: Обяви за IT специалисти и програмисти
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